NCIS star Sean Murray shared a unique connection with his colleague Mark Harmon long before they teamed up on the iconic police procedural. The bond between Agent Timothy McGee (Murray) and Leroy Gibbs (Harmon) dates back to 1993 when Murray, then a teenage actor, worked on the series “Harts of the West.” During an episode titled “The Right Stuff,” Harmon portrayed a rodeo clown, and Murray, who played Zane Hart, had the opportunity to work with him.
In a recent interview on the Let’s Dive In podcast, Murray reflected on the experience, expressing how Harmon left a lasting impression on him. Recalling the time on “Harts of the West,” Murray stated, “It was really interesting to come full circle with Harmon there, and he made an impression on me. Quite an impression on me when he came on and did a role on ‘Harts of the West,’ a show that I did when I was 15 years old, we did one season of it.”
Murray further revealed that Harmon became a mentor to him, even before their collaboration on NCIS. He shared, “He’s been a bit of a mentor to me, whether he knows it or not.” Their professional relationship continued to flourish when they reunited on NCIS, with Harmon’s Gibbs and Murray’s McGee working together for almost two decades until Gibbs’ departure at the end of season 19.
Although Harmon won’t be reprising his role as Gibbs in the upcoming prequel, NCIS: Origins, he remains involved as a narrator and executive producer. The prequel, exploring Gibbs’ early years, is set to introduce a new actor as the young Gibbs. NCIS season 21 is scheduled to premiere on February 22, 2024, on CBS.