Terrence O’Hara, a renowned television director celebrated for his contributions to shows such as NCIS, NCIS: LA, Smallville, and Angel, has passed away at the age of 76. His daughter, Maddie, confirmed his death on December 5, citing cancer as the cause.
Expressing her grief, Maddie shared, “I never thought I’d be writing those words—it’s surreal. I’ve always imagined him walking me down the aisle, watching his grandkids grow up, and getting old at the lake with my mom. But cancer’s a bitch, and his life was cut too short.”
O’Hara, born on Christmas Day in Newark, New Jersey, was a devoted father of three, a loving husband of 36 years, and a beloved brother to six siblings. He attended St. Rose of Lima and Essex Catholic, challenging norms and showcasing an inquisitive nature that persisted throughout his life.
After pursuing acting and touring extensively, O’Hara moved to Los Angeles in 1981. There, he met his life partner, Shanna, and embarked on a successful directing career. He became best known for his work on NCIS and NCIS: LA, earning praise for his deep understanding of human nature and ability to guide actors.
Mark Horowitz, NCIS executive producer and close friend, reflected on O’Hara’s strengths, stating, “One of Terrence’s many strengths as a director came from his curiosity and understanding of human nature. He loved exploring human emotion and the things that make people tick.”
O’Hara is survived by his wife Shanna Reed O’Hara, children Stacey, Jon, and Maddie, sister Judy, brothers Steve and Chris, grandchildren Brian and Katherine, and numerous nieces and nephews. The family appreciates any donations to the World Central Kitchen and the Red Cross in his memory.
Terrence O’Hara’s extensive directorial credits also include The Blacklist, Grimm, Rosewood, Legends, Magic City, Rizzoli & Isles, and more. His impact on the television industry is remembered with fondness, and his legacy lives on in the hearts of those he inspired and worked with.