As January concludes, Mariska Hargitay, the acclaimed star of Law & Order: SVU, is still in celebration mode after marking her 60th birthday and the 25th anniversary of the iconic show. The actress, along with her husband Peter Hermann and Law & Order creator Dick Wolf, enjoyed a Sunday family lunch, capturing the moment in a star-studded selfie that she shared on Instagram.
In the photo, the trio is all smiles, having wrapped up what appears to be a delightful Sunday lunch filled with champagne. Mariska, sporting clear aviator-shaped glasses and a sage-hued knit sweater, highlighted the matching orange bands on her and Dick’s watches. The caption read, “Sunday family lunch. So very much to celebrate…,” and fans quickly flooded the comments section with congratulatory messages.
Acknowledging Mariska’s monumental achievement of portraying Olivia Benson for 25 seasons, fans praised her as a powerful role model and celebrated Law & Order’s enduring success. The character of Olivia Benson is officially the longest-running character in primetime drama history, with Mariska having starred in over 500 episodes since 1999.
Reflecting on the show’s 25th anniversary, Mariska expressed both disbelief at the passage of time and an inability to envision the show ending. She emphasized the joy of continuing the journey with her cast and crew and the personal growth she continues to experience.
While Dick Wolf hasn’t been active on Instagram since 2020, he previously shared his gratitude for working on Law & Order: SVU and expressed the thrill of making history with an exceptional group of individuals.
As Mariska and her Law & Order family bask in the success of their enduring series, fans eagerly anticipate more milestones and captivating moments from the iconic show.