In the thrilling Season 20 finale of NCIS, the team joined forces to thwart a Russian terrorist plot aimed at disrupting the entire U.S. electrical grid. Torres played a crucial role in an undercover mission within a prison, extracting vital information from Yuri, a visitor to another inmate. Despite a power outage at NCIS headquarters, the team successfully restored power and celebrated their triumphant victory. However, Torres found himself in a personal confrontation with a man from his undercover past, expressing a strong desire to witness the man’s downfall.
As NCIS gears up for its 21st season, the show continues to engage audiences with its captivating storylines. Wilmer Valderrama, reflecting on the series’ enduring success, emphasized the love and dedication poured into every aspect of the production. The cast recently faced the loss of David McCallum, the actor behind Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard, who passed away in September at the age of 90. In a heartfelt tribute, CBS acknowledged McCallum’s significant contributions as an actor and author, recognizing the lasting impact of his legacy through his memorable on-screen work.